Custom Work
Even though we produce a large and ever expanding range of wargames terrain, you may not find what your looking for. So we offer a full commissions service, whether it is a different colour scheme on a house or an entire custom table, we can make wargames terrain to suit your personal preferences. Just send us a message to discuss. You have no obligation to buy.
Before you contact us have a think about the following things so we can get the talking out of the way and start building your custom piece.
Size of building(s) & base
Colour scheme's
Work Examples
Some examples of commissioned work we have done
Band of Brothers - Carentan 20mm / 1:72
The famous battle of Carentan, immortalised forever in the hit TV series Band of Brothers, now it lives on in 20mm/1:72. Built on individual tiles for easy storage and handling this vast and complex gaming table features countless details from the film and many little touches of my own. With cobbled streets littered with rubble and barricades, low garden walls, houses and fields, this table has countless opportunities for combat encounters. It just so happened to be a joy to build as well.

28mm WW2, 6ft x 4ft bocage Bolt action table.
This is our first WW2 table commission. And I have to say it was the most enjoyable model I have ever constructed. Built in 2ft Squares for storage. Built to our customers specification. With hand crafted buildings featuring removable roofs and floors and individually unique hedgerows, constructed so that not a single piece of foliage is the same.
We also left the bottoms of hedgerows exposed so the branches and twigs can be seen – helping add to the ultimate level of authenticity this board has. Hundreds of little details such as dead leaves, posters, crates, general plant life, litter, a small river that flows across the landscape and little scars such as a craters and bullet damage and far more details than I could ever list makes this table a true representation of the classic bocage terrain that dominated much of the combat in France during the Second World War and proved so deadly and difficult for opposing forces.

Iraq 6mm / 1:300
6mm/1:285 was something new for me, I had never before delved into this tiny (yet incredible) scale. My client wanted a vast Iraq desert, with a city, villages, roads, airfield, military base, oil refinery, hills, cliffs, palm trees, and all the things one would expect to find in Iraq. The finished table was built on sections for easy handling and storage and featured too many details to count. Its one of those pieces that each time you view it you see something new. It was a real pleasure to construct and introduced me to the world of 6mm wargaming.

Modern City 28mm / 1:64
This was something a little different for me, the client was an avid Warhammer 40k player and wanted a war torn modern city that had fallen into serving a dark God of lust, greed and pleasure, so lots of strip clubs, bars and that sort of thing. I endeavored to keep the city in the realms of reality, taking inspiration from modern cities throughout the world. This table was alot of fun to build and research, (seriously I looked at so many dirty alleyway pictures on Google I was seeing them in my sleep.) I am passionate about details and this table was oozing with them, from litter and the filth of cites, to posters, and dumpsters and all the details you would expect to see in a city.